
Hello and welcome to my personal gearhead blog “23GT” (pronounced as Twenty-three GeeTee”).

Apologies for the current dreary layout – it's a work in progress and the layout tools aren't playing nice at the moment for me to properly customize things.

So what's this going to be about and what's with the silly name?

Well, let's break down the parts of the name. First the “Twenty-three” half.

I'm a huge car nut and my favorite car brand since my parents first made the mistake of letting me loose upon unsuspecting motorists has been Nissan of Japan. Nissan has a long motorsport history and their traditional race number has been “23”. Why? Basically because in the Japanese language, two is said as “ni” and three is “san”, hence 2-3 is ni-san. Simples lol.

As for the GT portion, GT cars or “Gran Turismos” are my favorite type of car, particularly Nissan's own legendary line of GT cars – the GT-Rs (a.k.a. Skylines, but technically that's not really correct if you're talking specifically about Nissan's top of the line performance cars - we'll go over that in a later post).

I currently am lucky enough to own two GT-Rs, my first being a 2010 R35 and the other a recently added rare 1990 Nismo R32.

My R35 and some friends at a wet track day
Having modified my 2010 quite a bit and now purchased a 1990 I thought I'd start this blog to share my experiences owning these two awesome cars. While researching for my R32 purchase I also noticed that there was very little info on what it was like to own a rare beast like an R32 Skyline in the US so I'm hoping this blog will help add to the knowledge pool and act as a resource to other current or prospective owners. I'll also occasionally talk about other related stuff which I hope will pique your interest as well.

So, thank you for coming and I hope you'll follow along!


  1. Hey Oliver! I just bought an R32 this last week and came across your blog when I was digging for more information. I really appreciate the information you provide and your writing style. You have earned a consistent follower. Keep it up man!

    1. Congrats on joining the R32 owner's club and thanks for the comment! I'm glad you find it all useful and comments like yours help keep me motivated to put up more posts!


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