23GT.net Now Has A Facebook Page!
It's Labor Day weekend so I hope you
all are making the most of it by not laboring and instead enjoying
some down time. I know I'll be trying to do that by hanging out with
some friends and also attending a little Nissan event that I plan on
talking about later on.
In the meantime I wanted to write a
short post announcing that I've started a Facebook page for the blog.
I realize that Blogger isn't the best when it comes to adding
comments to posts since you have to use Google+, and a lot fewer
people use that instead of Facebook. Love it or hate it FB is one of
the biggest forces in social media so from now on when a new post
goes up I'll be linking it on the FB page. Leaving comments here on
the actual blog would still be better since it's linked to the actual
article but if it's easier for you to use FB then feel free to post
over there in the article link and I'll try to respond ASAP if you
have any questions or input! Here's a link for y'all:
Every now and then I'll probably also
throw on the page the odd picture or quick post that I feel may be of interest
but doesn't merit a full blown blog post. If you've found this blog
helpful and/or interesting – or maybe you've just been mildly
amused by my desperate attempts at humor – then please like the FB
page. Letting me know that you've benefited from this blog by posting
a comment or simply liking the FB page helps keep me motivated to put
out more quality posts – or at least I hope they're quality posts
because I can never tell if I've accidentally killed someone with
boredom after talking about my lug nut collection or the fresh scent
of Motul motor oil for the umpteenth time.
Speaking of posting pictures, some of
you may have noticed my Instagram feed has come to life again. I've
been working on a side project that I'll be posting on soon but in
the meantime I hope you'll be able to enjoy some of the fruits of my
labor by checking out 23gt_blog on Instagram!
And with that I leave you to go back to
your previously planned goofing-off time – or work if you're stuck
doing that this holiday weekend. If it's the latter I extend you my
commiserations and offer this amusing picture I randomly found on the
interwebs to lighten your day:
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