Buy DSport's April 2017 Issue 'Cause My Pics Are In It! (Along With A Jillion Better Reasons To Want A Copy!)

Sorry but I couldn't help myself and had to share the news after receiving my subscriber copy of DSport's latest issue. After the DSport TAS Tour concluded we were asked if we wanted to submit photos for possible inclusion in the upcoming article on the tour so I sent in a bunch of my shots as did several other attendees.

I'd gotten word earlier that some of my pics had made the cut but I was stoked to see that a lot more than I was expecting made it into both the article on the tour and the one on the DSport Tuner Challenge at Mobara Twin Circuit. By my count 28 of my photos made it into the magazine and one of my shots from Akihabara is in there twice - the first time as the main image for the table of contents! There's even one whole page that's nothing but my photos (insert stupid grin here).

As a newbie photographer of course I was stoked to see my pics in a magazine! Also me and my friends got a kick of seeing my face in its pages as well - twice actually! 

Oh, but you don't want to buy the magazine all because of me and my ugly mug - you'll want to buy it because it features Top Secret's amazing VR32 GT-R, an awesome restomod Hakosuka 2000GT, and all the great tech articles that DSport always has. I'm still working on my long-ass report on the DSport TAS tour so if you want to read a more condensed digest of the tour and tuner challenge you'll also find that in this issue. After reading the magazine please come back here if you want the nitty-gritty lowdown on the tour and even more photos that didn't make it into the magazine!


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