US-legal R34! Come And Get It! Bring Some Spare Kidneys!

Image credit: K. Watts and Company

If you've been keeping up with R34 prices in Japan you'd already know that they've officially gone from Cesar Romero-era Joker wacky to full-on, batshit crazy, Joaquin Phoenix-era, Academy Award-winning levels of utterly mental. Six-figure prices in dollars seem to be the new normal for decent examples BEFORE they get exported.

I posted about one that finally made it through the aftermath of the Rivsu debacle and was being flogged for an eye-watering $275K online last year:

At the time that Rivsu was still doing legit import work they acquired three R34s before the proverbial solid waste hit the ventilation device. One of them was that one in the link above and it looks like another one can now be accounted for based on this listing Mark from GTR-Registry sent my way:

Ignore how the link says it's a 1998 Skyline. The dealer's description clearly says it's a 1999 Show or Display car that's been made OBD II-compliant so I have to assume this is one of the Rivsu trio since the one that Sean Morris' TopRank Importers had was a stock example without the BBS wheels, Nismo skirts, and front bumper vents of this vehicle.

The most important thing though is that it's for sale and you, dear reader, now have a chance to own your very own US-legal R34 RIGHT-FRICKING-NOW instead of waiting another four years!

But hopefully you have a Joaquin Phoenix-level bank account because that $192,000 price isn't exactly pocket change even if it is a whopping 21 percent discount over the one in the first link. Maybe you're one of the smart ones who bought a bazillion shares of TSLA and are all set to buy a medieval castle, a knighthood, and this R34 - in which case I hate you and I'm totally not jelly at all. 

Anyone want to buy a working kidney? I'll throw in a lung! Anyone?


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