Cool GT-R Videos To Enjoy If You're On Lockdown

With a huge chunk of the world being encouraged to stay at home in the midst of the coronavirus crisis a lot of us are no doubt searching for stuff to do indoors. Some of you may have already solved this problem by reverting back to your teenage years, breaking out the Kleenex, and taking advantage of Pornhub's current free premium access offer. If you have, do carry on but be careful not to go blind. 

I'm sure some of us have turned to video games while others are probably getting in some good reading but if you're a gearhead yearning for the open road I thought I'd share a few GT-R-related videos you might enjoy.

First off are a set of videos from a long-time favorite videographer of mine. Luke Huxham is a Tokyo-based director who specializes in automotive videos and has a great sense of visual style as well as awesome taste in music. His videos often make use of graphical overlays and occasional computer generated flourishes to add some visual spice but never to the point of being distracting. He's posted on Youtube both under his name and under the Maiham Media label. 

My first exposure to him was this sweet video of the full carbon-bodied Overtake R35:

Oh, oh my, pardon me while I collect myself after having witnessed all that awesome.

Okay, I'm good now. Huxham also did this one on the R35 owned by the president of Ben Sopra which of course had been fitted with their famous widebody kit:

I know the Ben Sopra kit feels kind of played out now after all these years and the huge hype it first got but there's no denying the video has awesome shots in it - and the pouring rain becomes a positive addition here and makes it seem more dramatic rather than the hassle a downpour usually is when shooting video.

I've posted the next video before but it's still one of my all-time favorites since it's about my absolute favorite racing series: Super GT. It's a great introduction to the series and if you'd like to read more about why you should watch it, check out this old post of mine.

I wrote a lot about Super GT before when Nissan was hosting live simulcasts of the races on Youtube with excellent commentary from Radio LeMans staff but they stopped doing that after a couple of years. You can still catch the Super GT races on YouTube though thanks to the official Super GT channel which now posts full replays of the races with English commentary to boot. Their commentator isn't quite as good as the seasoned veterans of Radio LeMans but hey, at least her voice is WAY cuter than those dudes!

The 2020 racing season has sadly been postponed for reasons you can probably guess but they did post this teaser video late last year with some cool footage of the Nismo GT500 GT-R, Honda NSX-GT, and the new for 2020 GT500 GR Supra. The video isn't up to Huxham standards but it's still worth a peep for racing and import fans:

Another awesome videographer I love is Ben Hartnett from Melbourne in The Land Down Under. He also has a gorgeous visual style and great taste in music. Check out the sick rolling shots in this video and if you just want to see GT-Rs, don't let the first half a minute or so throw you off, wait for the very tasty Active Red R34 that shows up a bit further on:

If you have an appreciation for the fine art of detailing a car then you NEED to watch this video from him of an R34 Z-tune getting some loving attention lavished on its fresh coat of Midnight Purple III paint. Better keep the Kleenex handy for this one!

Don't want to see a car just standing still even if it's a sexy, sexy R34? Then this video is for you - I particularly love the rolling shot of the R35 going through the tunnel with the multi-colored lights on the ceiling:

Okay, maybe your taste in video leans more towards a documentary style. If so, then how about this old but still informative film on the history of the GT-R - don't let the smiling bald dude scare you off, I promise it has lots of cars in it!

That video was pretty long and that thumbnail was kinda scary so next up let's have a short video from Nissan themselves as a chaser. It's from when Nissan first started officially selling the R35 GT-R in Hong Kong (in 2018! Not sure why it took them so long!) but it's a very cool piece with loving shots of the R32, R33, and R34 until it climaxes with a rousing R35 drive. If you love GT-Rs like me you can totally relate to the excitement this video conveys:

I'll wrap up this article with that stirring video but if you're wanting even more I'll throw in this link to the playlist I've been keeping on YouTube. When I get a chance I'll see if I can write a follow-up article on more of the videos listed on there - in the meantime though, I hope all you guys stay healthy and safe!

P.S. Insert shameless plug for my own YouTube videos here lol:


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