Back From The Far East!

If you've been following recent posts you may have noticed fewer of them than before these past few weeks and that was because I was off on a long vacation back to my former homeland of the Philippines. My trip just ended the other day and since then I've been getting settled back in, catching up on stuff, and getting re-accustomed to a time zone that's almost the exact opposite of the one I was in.

In between boring, everyday stuff like snorkeling with whale sharks, soaking in hot springs, touring the country's voodoo hotspot, and watching pods of dolphins I did some all-important car watching (amongst other much more unique forms of transport) and road tripping, and chatted with the publisher of one of the local car magazines. I even got lucky and saw a few Skylines - left-hand drive converted no less! I'll talk about the car scene and Nissan in the Philippines in a future post but for now I'll try to pique your interest with this photo of a LHD R32:

Coming up I'll also have more posts on cool stuff for GT-R owners, a new Progress Bar to update on the status of my R32 GT-R, and that post I've mentioned before on where to get parts for an R32 which I've had to put off for a while now.  Please check back for all of that and more!



  1. Welcome back! Look forward to seeing the post about the car scene in the Philippines. I just returned from Vietnam and unfortunately, there is not much of a car scene to detail.

    1. I haven't been to Vietnam myself but from watching the Top Gear special I'm sure the high prices of cars puts a damper on the car scene over there. In the Philippines the car obsession is alive and well because cars are very much a status symbol over there. Filipinos are also all about decorating their cars so you'll see some pretty crazy stuff in both a good and not-so-good way over there lol.

  2. I think I saw that skyline gts somewhere. It's actually a bit nasty looking (in a bad way) in person. hehe. You should've tried contacting GT-R clubs in Manila like GT-R club of the Philippines (GTRClubPh) or Manila GT-R Owner's Club (MAGTROC). I think they only have legit GT-R owners as members. ;)

    1. Yeah, that GT-S was definitely not in the best of shape when I saw it but it was still interesting because of the LHD conversion. I posted more pics of it in my later article on Philippine car culture and you can see the loose wiring inside. I actually just came back from another trip to the Philippines and had contacted a member of MAGTROC but got so busy with other stuff I didn't have a chance to meet up with them. I'll have to try again next time I go back there lol.

    2. MAGTROC are more of a R35 group, while the GTR club ph is from LHD skyline GT-Rs to R35. :) That's cool! Hope you get back to Manila soon (even though our action star pres. cursed yours xP) and maybe meet GT-R enthusiasts here, I'm one of them. :D
      Lastly, glad you guys there are already experiencing the most legendary sportscar blood line Japan has produced. After the R35, 32... next is 33. ;)

    3. I'll have to see if I can get hold of someone from GTRClubPh before I head back next time. I'd love to hit up a car meet or even just take pics of a Skyline or GT-R in the Philippines - especially not that I've decided to take my car photography more seriously lol. If you're a member of the group or know someone who is please email me at 23gtblog(at) - I'd love to hear from fellow enthusiasts back there!

    4. You can go the the FB page Oliver. Here's the link - ;)

    5. Ah, thanks for the link! I'll have to message them before I head back next time!


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