It's Thanksgiving So Let's Be Thankful!

Yup, it's Thanksgiving Day so I thought this would be a good time for me to make a list of things I'm thankful for, both car-related and not. Without further ado – in no particular order of importance:

    • my Mom, who raised our family all alone after my Dad died and put up with our crap without ever complaining
    • my Dad, who I didn't get enough time to be with but passed on enough of his awesome to help me make something of myself
    • my family (immediate and extended, blood-related or not) for being so great
    • my friends for putting up with my shit
    • my co-workers for making a tough job more bearable
    • my previous home country of the Philippines for being such an amazing place with such plucky and awesome people
    • my current home country of 'Murica for being the kind of wonderful place where a foreign kid can be welcomed and be treated the same as everyone else
    • Japan for being an endless source of stupendously wonderful stuff
    • Australia for giving my brother and his family a new home (find me a good R34 bro!)
    • Nissan for making such cool cars
    • Suzuki for making cool bikes (about time with that new GSX-R1000!)
    • My friend Lisa and the staff at Sonora Nissan for taking care of my cars among other things
    • My friend Dan and his shop for helping me nurse my poor Skyline back to health
    • Cicio and the gang at TopSpeed Motorsports for making my R35 into a beast
    • Sean Morris for being a valuable source of info and advice on everything Skyline-related
    • Mike Ferara of D-Sport because when my Skyline took a dump he reached out to some dude he didn't know to offer help and advice
    • All the other cool people I've met who share a passion for my hobbies 'cause they make things a hell of a lot more interesting
    • The local gaggle of car enthusiasts here in Yuma for being just a cool bunch of gearheads
    • The little things – 'cause if you can find joy in them you'll never have a frowny face
    • You, dear reader, because this blog would be worthless without you coming here
    • Last but most importantly, God for all the blessings he's given an unworthy bastard like me through the years

Hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! 

There are two things I'm thankful for in this picture: GT-Rs and tape. Tape's really useful and underrated yo. Image source: Strasse Forged wheels


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